Monday, October 14, 2013

A1Cs tell a story

The A1Cs are just a piece of the puzzle, just one small piece. And sometimes, well, many times, we as parents put too much into one small piece. We fret over them, sigh when they are not what we want, cheer when we get what we want after so much hard work and learning, learning, learning.

The A1C does reveal things though - things you do to get a lower BG average over time, a trick you now know that you didn't know before, the jump from shots to a pump, the addition of a CGM - the A1Cs tell the story.

This is the story of a smaller pod, no Pod change highs and wearing every Pod for a full three days, and sometimes riding the last of the basal out on an 'expired' Pod.

Just had our endo appt since the three months Grace has been on the smaller Pod.
And that's our story.

10-14-13 6.2
5-30-13 6.7
2-26-13 6.5
11-29-12 6.4
8-21-12 6.4
5-29-12 6.6
2-28-12 6.6
11-1-11 7.1
7-28-11 7.1
3-10-11 6.4
12-14-10 6.6
9-7-10 6.6
6-24-10 6.8
3-16-10 7.3
12-15-09 7.7
11-23-09 7.9
8-27-09 7.6
5-7-09 7.3



StephenS said...

Awesome results! Congratulations... Isn't it great when the hard work pays off?

Marla said...

What is your secret to prevent pod change highs? Not medical advice of course. Just sharing info among dmoms!! Our typical adjustments are not working at the moment. Need a new plan. Thanks.

PancreasticMom said...
