Monday, January 2, 2012

The New Year

Happy 2012 my friends!!!!

We made it through the holidays unscathed. We ate, bolused and prayed :0) and had some great times. Now it's back to the reality of going back to school and the march through the doldrums of winter here in PA. Can someone send a blizzard? Cause those are really fun.

Until I start blogging about all that went down this past month or so...

We are all well.
We are all healthy.
We are about to celebrate (damn right) three years of having diabetes.
We have enough diabetes supplies.
We have enough insulin.
We have the support, the friendship, the love and the laughter that is the DOC.

We are blessed.


Anonymous said...

Happy New Year!

Unknown said...

Happy New Year! Blessed indeed, and so thankful for bloggy pals like you to share the road ahead :)

Tracy1918 said...

Eat, bolus, and pray. I love it!

Jess said...

glad things are going well! happy new year to you all! :)

Anonymous said...

Feeling blessed right along with you!