Monday, April 30, 2012

Wordle - Day 30 WEGO Health Blog

I'm participating in the WEGO Health Blog's 'Health Activist Writer's Month Challenge' where bloggers are asked to write about their conditions. The goal is to write from these 30 health related prompts for 30 days in April.

Today is day number thirty. (Thank goodness!!!!!!)
Word Cloud. Make a word cloud or tree with a list of words that come to mind when you think about your blog, health or interested. Use a thesaurus to make the branches of your tree extend further.

Diabetes Word Cloud

Oh Wordle, you confound me. I typed in all the words that we use for managing Grace's diabetes, and it either lost it twice, or I did it wrong, or well I don't even know. So I typed in the name of this blog URL and this came up. It must have made a Wordle from the titles of my posts this month. 
And it seems fitting, so I left it.

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