Monday, July 11, 2011

D Meet-up and FFL

While we were on vacation, I called the fabulous Kelly of Diabetesaliciousness fame, to see if she wanted to hop on over a town or two and meet up with us. Of course she said yes, cause she is totally fabulous like that!

We met in our traditional spot in town. We walked the shops. Grace had her nails painted. She showed us American Girl doll accessories she wants. We watched a magician perform as it was 'Family Thursday' on the Avenue. It was HOT. Like surface-of-the-sun hot.

We got hungry. Well, Grace got hungry and we followed suit. Found a great A/C lunch place. Menus were fussed over, choices about breakfast-for-lunch were made and we had a grand old time catching up face to face, as opposed to the emails and text messages we send each other.

Kelly helps Grace in so many ways.
She lets her see a woman who is living her life with diabetes.
And there are conversations between them that I cannot help with, that they have with each other.

I can tell Grace that she will be fine, that she will grown into a strong woman, a strong mother and grandmother, but it's Kelly who brings it home to her.

It's Kelly pulling out her pump and testing and telling Grace she's a little high today and Grace nodding in agreement and telling her that whew, she had a few high days this past week too.

It's Grace telling Kelly that she hates this diabetes and Kelly nods, and Kelly tells her that it's not the falling down that's the problem, it's the staying down.

It's Grace telling Kelly that Momma has a saying of 'Just Do It' when things get bad and when she doesn't think she can do it one more day. And Kelly says she has 'Just Do It' days too.

It's Grace telling Kelly that she told her Momma just last week that diabetes was a good thing in some ways, that she would have never met her, never gone to diabetes camp and never met her D friends, if she didn't have diabetes. And Kelly smiling at that.

It's a million of these things that happen when we are together, that I cannot replicate as a non-PWD, that make me love Kelly. She gives me strength, she gives Grace strength and she lets Grace feel communion with another soul who truly does 'get it.'

I knew that Kelly was missing Friends for Life, the Children with Diabetes conference in Orlando, Florida this week. I knew she missed the communion that she gets by going there. I know she missed her friends.

I also know that when PWDs attend Friends for Life, they wear green wristbands to identify themselves as people with diabetes. It's a badge of honor among them and a show of solidarity. I hear people keep them on long after the conference is done.

So I bought a little treat for both Kelly and Grace, to show that they are one, and indeed, friends for life.


Anonymous said...

How Awesome!
What a gift to have someone who truly 'gets it' to talk to about this crazy D-life...and the fact that it's KELLY, well that's just fabulous!

k2 said...

Oh my gosh - I'm crying. I love you guys so much and Grace enriches my life in so many ways! She always makes me laugh and think and learn and I JUST LOVE HER. And I love you too, Penny.
You are a wonderful, real, funny and kind friend and I have diabetes to thank for bring us all together !
As I look at my green bracelet and I know that we will be friends for life - long after the beads !
Thank you both for making me feel so loved and special and happy.
And thank you both for being my friends for life and forever!

Anonymous said...

Thanks guys, now I'm crying too!

Kelly is such a treasure and it's so wonderful that Grace has her as a role model and friend.

I think this us one of your best posts ever because you really captured the importance of why these kids (and adults) need someone to bond with and look up to.

shannon said...

What a wonderful friendship they are both so lucky to have! And you too! I LOVE the green bracelet idea!!

Haley said...

Seriously, when is it my turn for a D meet up with Grace?!

Kelly IS soo awesome. I feel like she's a celebrity when I get to be around her!

I'm real excited to meet Grace one day and share those moments too! :)

Cheryl said...

Had to stop halfway thru to dry my tears so I could keep reading! Was trying to explain to my D-daughter the other day when she asked me why I live her so much when I "haven't even really met her." She makes diabetes better for her and for me. She is truly an angel put here on earth!!

Unknown said...

Oh Penny...I love the relationship that K2 and Grace have. These are things that I cannot do for Joe either...and that is perhaps one of the most difficult parts in loving someone with Type 1.

The green bracelet idea had me in tears too. You are one sweet, thoughtful D' Mama. xo

Kerri. said...

This is such a beautiful post, and a beautiful friendship between two of my favorite PWDs. :) Hugs to Grace!!

Lorraine of "This is Caleb..." said...

So wonderful. I love their connection. The bracelet idea is a great one! You're a peach, Penny!

Holly said... made me cry. I love this post! Kelly is so sweet, and I wish my baby could meet her too. Your bracelets? Priceless. : ) Love it.

LaLa said...

Holy Cow ---- I am crying so hard. I love this post, I love you, I love Grace and I love Kelly. What a wonderful bond that they have. I hope Nate finds someone to help him along the way that is as awesome as K2. We can love then and do all tha we can as a parent to make things easier for them but since I don't have T1 I will not always be able to understand ---- :(

Thank you K2 for being so awesome and such a wonderful friend to Penny and Grace.