Saturday, June 25, 2011

Virtual 5K - We Did It!

We did it!

Grace and I walked (ok, she ran a little bit, but I definitely did not run) the Virtual 5K!

We started out with a little message to everyone...

It's for all of YOU - the Type 1s out there.
We walked/ran for you.

Here is a short, condensed video version of our walk/run.
The beginning, middle and end.

Thank you Tara and Reyna for a wonderful idea!
Here's hoping you raised a lot of money for JDRF!


Colleen said...

Love her "sign off!"

Unknown said...

The sign off was CLASSIC! I loved this video ... felt like I was there with you and Grace. I am gearing up for ours a big ol' crew heading over. Next year maybe we can meet up and do it together Penny! Maybe 1/2 way between???

Love you girl.

Diane D said...

Good job! Love that you video taped it :)My daughter is loving seeing everyone else's blogs about the 5k.

Scully said...

SO SWEET! You guys are adorable. I love your accents!

Amy@Diapeepees said...

Cute, I like the sign.

Anonymous said...

Way to Go!!
We did ours this afternoon...getting ready to get the post together.
Love that I knew that others all over the country and world had done or were going to be doing the same thing! Just so awesome!

Anonymous said...

You two are so cute! Love it!

Thank you for including my daughter on your sign. I was truly touched and may or may not have had a tear or two in my eye ;)

Nicole said...

that was GREAT!!

Loved the sign :) way to go you did it!!

Cindy said...

Oh, I love the sign! And you two are adorable!

Lorraine of "This is Caleb..." said...

You guys are so fun! Thanks for walking/running and for including Caleb. :)

The Diabetic Camper said...

That was cool. I was trying to figure out in my head what a virtual 5k was and only thought of maybe a teadmill or something.