Life and death. Beginnings and endings. Old years go and new years come. And we all go on.
My mother is 82 and in the hospital right now. She has two pulmonary embolisms and an AVM in her head. She also has a heart flutter - causing rapid heart rate (125+), high blood pressure, high cholesterol and Type 2 diabetes. She is as strong as a horse and as stubborn. Up until now, she has not been a sick woman at all. Very active, healthy, completely there in her mind. Married for 61 years. Stubborn, like I said.
But I fear her time is nearing. I am hoping and praying and sending every positive thought I have that she pulls through this. The treatment for pulmonary embolisms is blood thinning medication, we know that. The problem is this AVM, which she was born with, in her head. It cause seizures in November once and she was hospitalized for a week. No operating on an 82 year old woman with an AVM that had never caused her problems. The time she spent resting is the time they think the blood clots formed in her legs. They have traveled since, landing in her lungs. They are large.
Bleeding from a pulmonary embolism in your lungs is bad.
Bleeding in your head from an AVM is even worse.
And I cannot even write what the 'worse' is. I just cannot.
So this year ends on such a sad note for me here. As many of you know, mother and daughter relationships are tangled, in messy and various ways. And they are complicated. My mother was a wonderful mother to me and my brother and sister. I had a lovely, love-filled childhood, safe and secure. There is always the underscore though, the background music that plays while it all goes on. She is my mother and I love her dearly is what I know in my heart.
Whatever happens, I am trying in vain to accept. Death is a part of life and I know she will be in God's hands, well and whole. And that I will see her again after I pass. I am assured and blessed in that way. It's still hard to accept she won't be here with us all when her time comes.
And no one has said it has come yet. As I said - strong, stubborn, has pulled out of worse messes in her life. I will not be sad for her death while she is still alive and here.
As for you, my DOC friends, this year you have all brought Grace and I such support in so many ways. You have lifted me up when I think I cannot do this D one more day. You have made me cry and made me laugh. You have made me learn and become smarter about D. You have said 'same same' when I tell you how I feel. And you have carried me on this journey, farther than I could have gotten all by myself.
So I say to all you out there in the DOC, my D-Mamas and D-Papas,
Thank you.
To 2011 everyone - full of life, living and loving.
Friday, December 31, 2010
Tuesday, December 28, 2010
38, and it's not my age
"Mom, I feel low!"
Aren't those some of the yuckiest words in the English language?
She just tested at 9 pm at 190 and I dosed .50 units, how could she possibly be low?
But I never tell her not to test, so she does.
Thirty flippin' eight
How does that even happen?
And she is still standing. Telling me she feels a wee bit dizzy, but standing at the edge of my bed, proclaiming a 38.
Diabetes, you like to mess with me don't ya?
So, two Juicy Juices down (that's 30g carbs total) here we go.
15 minutes later - 50
I lower her basal by -60% for one hour to help things.
30 minutes later - 65
45 minutes later - 85
1 hour later - 106
I win.
And then she wakes up and says,
"Is it OK for me to go to sleep Mom, with being low and all?"
You bet your sweet patootie it is honey, this monster went down tonight.
Aren't those some of the yuckiest words in the English language?
She just tested at 9 pm at 190 and I dosed .50 units, how could she possibly be low?
But I never tell her not to test, so she does.
Thirty flippin' eight
How does that even happen?
And she is still standing. Telling me she feels a wee bit dizzy, but standing at the edge of my bed, proclaiming a 38.
Diabetes, you like to mess with me don't ya?
So, two Juicy Juices down (that's 30g carbs total) here we go.
15 minutes later - 50
I lower her basal by -60% for one hour to help things.
30 minutes later - 65
45 minutes later - 85
1 hour later - 106
I win.
And then she wakes up and says,
"Is it OK for me to go to sleep Mom, with being low and all?"
You bet your sweet patootie it is honey, this monster went down tonight.
Monday, December 27, 2010
Drink the soda first
We went to see Tangled today at the movie theater.
On the way in, with our ticket, Grace got a coupon for a free small soda.
She got a Diet Coke. She always gets a Diet Coke when she is allowed soda.
As she sits in the theater, drinking it sip by sip, she looks at me.
"Mom, I'm pretty sure that this isn't Diet Coke."
I quickly take a sip, but now my heart is racing and I am thinking -
'Penny, the one flippin time you don't taste her soda first!!!!!'
and I cannot decide if it's real Coke or diet Coke, cause I never drink Coke and now, I cannot even taste it if it's gasoline cause my brain is trying to do the math of 5 minutes of drinking regular Coke...
I have my other daughter taste it. She doesn't think it tastes like Diet Coke.
I literally walk as fast as humanly possible with a 3/4 full cup of soda to the concession stand.
'Uh, I think you gave my daughter regular Coke when she asked for Diet Coke."
"Oh yeah, I think I did" - she actually tells me she knew she made a mistake!
I don't know whether to laugh or cry.
'Cause my daughter has Type 1 diabetes and this could have gone REALLY wrong if she drank all of this Coke."
I am met with blank stares and complete silence.
Lesson noted - always, always, taste test the soda when it's served by someone else.
Sunday, December 26, 2010
3 at the dentist
Grace had a dental checkup the day before the day before Christmas Eve. It didn't go well.
Backstory folks:
She couldn't go to her regular dentist because the state decided about a month ago that she was 'too expensive' - (their words, not mine) for the state funded children's health insurance program (known as CHIP here is PA). They moved her to Medicaid. And her old dentist doesn't take Medicaid. So we switched to one that did accept it. Grace was fine with the move and I had accepted it.
I'm still not sure how a state goes about analyzing your child's medical records and determining that they need to be on Medicaid anyway. We didn't apply for Medicaid for her. I was fine with the PA CHIP program and the only reason she was on PA CHIP was because when she was diagnosed, my husband's company was switching insurance providers, they found out she was just diagnosed Type 1 and excluded her from coverage. It seems like a bad dream, or incredibly bad luck on our part.
This whole Medicaid thing has brought about so many changes...
--- Insulet does not ship her pods any more directly to us, but goes through a 3rd party company who provides pump supplies for Medicaid patients (at least we created a job for someone out there!)
--- I am worried that the new rules at Medicaid will limit her test strips she receives each month
--- Can you believe I needed to send the 3rd party biller for Medicaid a month's worth of blood sugar logs to PROVE she had diabetes?? You can't believe it? Neither could I until they requested it and I found myself at the copier copying 30 small little pages of logbook
--- Getting NEW referrals for her endo appts. I realized this while standing in my kitchen on a Saturday before her Monday appt two weeks ago. I damned near had a heart attack. Luckily our reg. ped is a fabulous practice and got me a Medicaid referral mere hours before our endo appt.
--- Finding a new dentist for her.
Now back to our regularly scheduled post...
The dentist appt., of course. I completed major forms on her and came prepared with a new Pod to place on her, as I expected them to take x-rays. She was due for them. Now, let me tell you, I am not a fan of x-rays, I believe in the whole 'too much radiation' thing, but she only had x-rays one other time in her dental life and she needed them. I called Insulet, who told me that it didn't matter WHERE the x-rays were taken on her, she should remove her Pod and then put on a new one after the x-ray. No biggie. It was site change day anyway, so BONUS! I told Grace all about it and she was fine with it.
I tell them straight up at the sign-in desk what's going on - she has Type 1, she wears a pump, it needs to come off, etc., I am prepared. Well, until the lady behind the desk asks me 'Well, she is well-controlled and everything, isn't she?!' I honestly wanted to take the clipboard and whack her in the head. But I suppressed those urges and said 'Well, honestly, we do the best we can, but she has Type 1.' The lady looked at me as if I had two heads. Hell with it I thought. It's the day before Christmas, honestly lady, cut me a friggin' break.
Grace goes back to the exam room and so do I. The dentist comes in and I explain it all again. She's fine with it, it's just that 'they never have had a child who had a pump before' - OK, guess we are the first then. We remove Grace's Pod, take the x-rays and go about inserting a new site and pump. Those were the least of my problems. All is well and Grace gets her dental cleaning. She is a trooper and doesn't flinch as they scrape and clean and do their thing.
The dentist comes back and it's not good news folks. Grace has 3, count 'em, 3 flippin' cavities!!!
Moment of silence.
Yes, 3!!!!!!!!!!!!
Two are in her back back teeth and one is under the one filling she does have, in a baby tooth. There is a shadow there and they suspect a cavity below the filling. My other two kiddos - ages 12 and 14 only have had ONE filling between them both in 14 years. I had a good run of 10-11 years with NO CAVITIES and now there are 3, on this child???!!! I honestly wanted to look to the sky and say 'Really??? Am I being punk'd or something?' cause this would be a grand time for good ole Ashton to appear and tell me!
But, you see, Grace is weeping in the dental chair as the dentist explains all this to me - laughing gas and filling cavities and three visits and one filling has to come out and another one go in and possibly a baby root canal - which only takes 5-8 minutes (there is a God - see!!!) and she goes on and on and Grace just keeps on weeping. And I know it has all gotten to her, cause my gal don't cry.
The dentist leans down and does the best she can.
"Why are you crying sweetie? I promise nothing will hurt you." and she means it, she does.
And I know why she is crying.
Because it is all TOO MUCH.
Because she is chronically ill and this is just ONE MORE THING on top of everything else.
Because this is our 4th doctor visit in the last 2 months and we have seen enough of doctors and dentist and chairs and sitting and waiting and being told something.
Because she knows that despite what the dentist says, it will hurt a little and she doesn't want one more thing in her life to hurt. Not one single thing.
Because she is feeling like she has done something wrong, despite what I tell her, that we will do this together, that we will find a new way to clean her teeth so there will be no more cavities, and we will be more thorough together and we will buy different toothpaste and flossers and that mommy will fix it, fix it, fix it.
And I get tears in my eyes right there in the dentist office because sometimes, it does all get to be too much.
Backstory folks:
She couldn't go to her regular dentist because the state decided about a month ago that she was 'too expensive' - (their words, not mine) for the state funded children's health insurance program (known as CHIP here is PA). They moved her to Medicaid. And her old dentist doesn't take Medicaid. So we switched to one that did accept it. Grace was fine with the move and I had accepted it.
I'm still not sure how a state goes about analyzing your child's medical records and determining that they need to be on Medicaid anyway. We didn't apply for Medicaid for her. I was fine with the PA CHIP program and the only reason she was on PA CHIP was because when she was diagnosed, my husband's company was switching insurance providers, they found out she was just diagnosed Type 1 and excluded her from coverage. It seems like a bad dream, or incredibly bad luck on our part.
This whole Medicaid thing has brought about so many changes...
--- Insulet does not ship her pods any more directly to us, but goes through a 3rd party company who provides pump supplies for Medicaid patients (at least we created a job for someone out there!)
--- I am worried that the new rules at Medicaid will limit her test strips she receives each month
--- Can you believe I needed to send the 3rd party biller for Medicaid a month's worth of blood sugar logs to PROVE she had diabetes?? You can't believe it? Neither could I until they requested it and I found myself at the copier copying 30 small little pages of logbook
--- Getting NEW referrals for her endo appts. I realized this while standing in my kitchen on a Saturday before her Monday appt two weeks ago. I damned near had a heart attack. Luckily our reg. ped is a fabulous practice and got me a Medicaid referral mere hours before our endo appt.
--- Finding a new dentist for her.
Now back to our regularly scheduled post...
The dentist appt., of course. I completed major forms on her and came prepared with a new Pod to place on her, as I expected them to take x-rays. She was due for them. Now, let me tell you, I am not a fan of x-rays, I believe in the whole 'too much radiation' thing, but she only had x-rays one other time in her dental life and she needed them. I called Insulet, who told me that it didn't matter WHERE the x-rays were taken on her, she should remove her Pod and then put on a new one after the x-ray. No biggie. It was site change day anyway, so BONUS! I told Grace all about it and she was fine with it.
I tell them straight up at the sign-in desk what's going on - she has Type 1, she wears a pump, it needs to come off, etc., I am prepared. Well, until the lady behind the desk asks me 'Well, she is well-controlled and everything, isn't she?!' I honestly wanted to take the clipboard and whack her in the head. But I suppressed those urges and said 'Well, honestly, we do the best we can, but she has Type 1.' The lady looked at me as if I had two heads. Hell with it I thought. It's the day before Christmas, honestly lady, cut me a friggin' break.
Grace goes back to the exam room and so do I. The dentist comes in and I explain it all again. She's fine with it, it's just that 'they never have had a child who had a pump before' - OK, guess we are the first then. We remove Grace's Pod, take the x-rays and go about inserting a new site and pump. Those were the least of my problems. All is well and Grace gets her dental cleaning. She is a trooper and doesn't flinch as they scrape and clean and do their thing.
The dentist comes back and it's not good news folks. Grace has 3, count 'em, 3 flippin' cavities!!!
Moment of silence.
Yes, 3!!!!!!!!!!!!
Two are in her back back teeth and one is under the one filling she does have, in a baby tooth. There is a shadow there and they suspect a cavity below the filling. My other two kiddos - ages 12 and 14 only have had ONE filling between them both in 14 years. I had a good run of 10-11 years with NO CAVITIES and now there are 3, on this child???!!! I honestly wanted to look to the sky and say 'Really??? Am I being punk'd or something?' cause this would be a grand time for good ole Ashton to appear and tell me!
But, you see, Grace is weeping in the dental chair as the dentist explains all this to me - laughing gas and filling cavities and three visits and one filling has to come out and another one go in and possibly a baby root canal - which only takes 5-8 minutes (there is a God - see!!!) and she goes on and on and Grace just keeps on weeping. And I know it has all gotten to her, cause my gal don't cry.
The dentist leans down and does the best she can.
"Why are you crying sweetie? I promise nothing will hurt you." and she means it, she does.
And I know why she is crying.
Because it is all TOO MUCH.
Because she is chronically ill and this is just ONE MORE THING on top of everything else.
Because this is our 4th doctor visit in the last 2 months and we have seen enough of doctors and dentist and chairs and sitting and waiting and being told something.
Because she knows that despite what the dentist says, it will hurt a little and she doesn't want one more thing in her life to hurt. Not one single thing.
Because she is feeling like she has done something wrong, despite what I tell her, that we will do this together, that we will find a new way to clean her teeth so there will be no more cavities, and we will be more thorough together and we will buy different toothpaste and flossers and that mommy will fix it, fix it, fix it.
And I get tears in my eyes right there in the dentist office because sometimes, it does all get to be too much.
Wednesday, December 22, 2010
Grace received this letter from a classmate yesterday. She brought it home and showed it to me.
Grace's response when I asked her what she thought about it:
"I guess HER parents give her presents. Santa comes to this house Mom."
That's my girl.
Grace's response when I asked her what she thought about it:
"I guess HER parents give her presents. Santa comes to this house Mom."
That's my girl.
Sunday, December 19, 2010
These pants can tell the story
These pants can tell the story of Grace since her diagnosis in January 2009. As she slid them on the other night, she realized they are getting small for her. And it made both of us a wee bit sad. Because the pants do tell the story of it all and we both remember.
Grace was taken to our local hospital by me on a cold Thursday night in January, almost 2 years ago. I had called her pediatrician that night with my suspicions about her drinking tons of water, urinating almost constantly and always being hungry. I had Googled the symptoms and I knew. Well, I pushed it to the back of mind, but I knew. Her 1st grade teacher happened to call and ask me if something was wrong, Grace kept going to the bathroom in class and asking to get water. She wondered if there was something wrong. It prompted my phone call to her doctor.
But you see, Grace was already in bed for the night. She was in her jammies, sound asleep. Her pediatrician, God bless his heart to this day, told me to trust my Mommy gut and take her to the hospital to check her out. He said I probably wouldn't sleep any way, so why not wake her up and take her. So I did just that. Changed back from my own pajamas into some old clothes. Woke up my 6 year old daughter and left her in her jammies, bundled her up tight in her coat and hat and gloves, and drove to the hospital at 9:30 at night. I remember the drive.
I remember pulling into the parking lot in front of the emergency room and actually thinking the thought in my head 'It could be that nothing will ever be the same' as I locked the door and we walked in. Can you believe I actually thought it? I did, as strange as that may sound.
I told the admitting nurse my suspicions. They sent us quickly back through the ER doors and into a room. Nurses came. They checked her blood sugar via a huge meter. The lancing hurt her. And as I said my suspicions to the nurse, the meter beeped and to my dying day I will remember what she said as she laid down the meter:
"Mom, I think you may be right."
And she left the room and ran to the desk. From that moment on, it was a blur. They called two doctors to the room and four nurses. Two held her down as they inserted IV lines into each arm, placed heart monitors on her chest and did another complete blood draw.
All the while Grace is screaming 'Don't let me die! I don't wanna die!'
She screamed this because less than a year before, her beloved grandmother passed away in this hospital. This very hospital. She knows what hospitals do, in her 6 year old mind, they do not let people leave alive. The nurses are looking at me as if Grace has gonna crazy and I don't have the heart at this very moment to explain it all to them - why she is yelling this and why she thinks this. And all the while my head is spinning and my heart is breaking and I am sobbing.
"No, you are not gonna die honey. Mommy will not let you die."
And I wished it and I wished it and I wished it with my very soul.
She is so upset with all that is happening and being done to her that she wets herself. She wets through her jammies, her underwear, the bed, everything. And she is embarrassed because she knows she is a big girl and has not done this in so very long. As the lines are inserted and she begins to stop screaming, I ask if they have some underwear she could have, some pajama bottoms around that she could have. Surely they have something, they have a pediatric floor here.
And one nurse brings a red plaid pair of pajama bottoms. They are too big for Grace, for she has lost weight in the past weeks - 6 lbs. That's a lot when you only weight 50 pounds. They have a string tie in the front and I roll up the legs, but they make her feel some semblance of order has returned. She has pajama bottoms on and she is dry.
The days proceed and we stay for 5 days. And they are filled with moments of clarity, of reality, of sadness, of guilt, of everything. They are just filled with everything that Type 1 brings.
And she wears the pants every day in that hospital. She changes her top and we bath her and we wash the pants, but she wears them. I offer her her own clothes and she declines. She prefers the plaid pajama pants to everything else.
And when we return home from the hospital and begin to carry on with our new life, they are in her pajama stash. And she wears them, a lot. And every time she pulls them out, she starts with the same thing to me - "Mom, do you remember when I got these pants?, then the conversation takes various turns, always coming back to remembrances from the hospital :
"Yes honey, in the hospital. I remember them."
"I remember you helped take the leads off my heart monitor on my chest. Do you remember that?"
"Yes, I do sweetie."
"And do you remember when you gave me a bath in the big tub and dried me and snuggled me and pulled me back to my room in the wagon? That was fun, the wagon."
"Yep, I do remember the wagon."
"I remember the shots. And you cried Mom. And Dad came. And he cried."
"Yes, we did sweetie. We love you and didn't like that you were sick."
Soon, it's time to retire the pants. They are too small now.
I think I'll turn them into pillow for her.
It's always good to have someone and something that remembers your story.
Thursday, December 16, 2010
The Betes Now Event!
Oh how I wish you all lived closer!!!!
Bennet of the uber-fabulous Your Diabetes May Vary and the Betes Now is putting together another Type 1 support group in January.We will for sure be there!
The group will feature Gary Scheiner, our CDE, owner of Integrated Diabetes Services and author of Think Like A Pancreas and The Ultimate Guide to Carb Counting talking about his latest venture, Type 1 University which will bring classes about diabetes management to YOU. Check it out as Gary and others on his staff will be sharing their knowledge.
It will also feature Lee Ann Thill of the wonderful blog The Butter Compartment. She will be doing some art therapy with us all, which I am looking forward to. I think I am bringing expired pods. Let's see what people can do with them!
I'm just wondering, can you all come? Would that just be the proverbial icing on the cake?
(And no, I don't know the carb count of the proverbial icing on the cake.)
Monday, December 6, 2010
I am an avid reader and just completed Elizabeth Edward's book Resilience: Reflections on the Burdens and Gifts of Facing Life's Adversities. It is a memoir of her life as impacted by her son Wade and his death at age 16 in a tragic car accident, her diagnosis with cancer and her husband's infidelity. Regardless of one's political leanings or affiliations or what one thinks of her husband's behavior, the woman has something profound to share.
I found so much within the book that resonated with me. The resilience to go on when tragedy strikes, though the tragedy of losing and burying a child is way beyond what I bear, it looms. It always looms as a mother of a child with a chronic illness.
'Let's start with the unavoidable fact: If I had special knowledge about how to avoid adversities, about how to spot the pitfalls of life, I would spot them. I would avoid them, and I would share how it is I have managed that. I do not. I have a lot of experience in getting up after I have been knocked down, but clearly I do not know anything at all about avoidance. We all tumble and fall. I certainly have, but in truth it is going to happen, in some degree, to all of us. Oh, maybe everyone we care about will love to attend our funerals. Maybe disease will never make you afraid of a curling iron burn. Maybe everyone whom you love and who loves you will be loyal to you in every way for every day of your life. Or maybe not.'
Elizabeth Edward's cancer has grown and she has been advised that further treatment would be unproductive. She is reportedly at home surrounded by loved ones. She released a statement tonight:
'You all know that I have been sustained throughout my life by three saving graces -- my family, my friends, and a faith in the power of resilience and hope. These graces have carried me through difficult times and they have brought more joy to the good times than I ever could have imagined. The days of our lives, for all of us, are numbered. We know that. And yes, there are certainly times when we aren't able to muster as much strength and patience as we would like. It's called being human. But I have found that in the simple act of living with hope, and in the daily effort to have a positive impact in the world, the days I do have are made all the more meaningful and precious. And for that I am grateful. It isn't possible to put into words the love and gratitude I feel towards everyone who has and continues to support and inspire me every day. To you I simply say: you know.'
Godspeed Elizabeth.
Thank you for sharing your vision of resilience and faith and hope.
It is my grandest wish that the first to greet you in heaven is your son Wade.
I found so much within the book that resonated with me. The resilience to go on when tragedy strikes, though the tragedy of losing and burying a child is way beyond what I bear, it looms. It always looms as a mother of a child with a chronic illness.
'Let's start with the unavoidable fact: If I had special knowledge about how to avoid adversities, about how to spot the pitfalls of life, I would spot them. I would avoid them, and I would share how it is I have managed that. I do not. I have a lot of experience in getting up after I have been knocked down, but clearly I do not know anything at all about avoidance. We all tumble and fall. I certainly have, but in truth it is going to happen, in some degree, to all of us. Oh, maybe everyone we care about will love to attend our funerals. Maybe disease will never make you afraid of a curling iron burn. Maybe everyone whom you love and who loves you will be loyal to you in every way for every day of your life. Or maybe not.'
Elizabeth Edward's cancer has grown and she has been advised that further treatment would be unproductive. She is reportedly at home surrounded by loved ones. She released a statement tonight:
'You all know that I have been sustained throughout my life by three saving graces -- my family, my friends, and a faith in the power of resilience and hope. These graces have carried me through difficult times and they have brought more joy to the good times than I ever could have imagined. The days of our lives, for all of us, are numbered. We know that. And yes, there are certainly times when we aren't able to muster as much strength and patience as we would like. It's called being human. But I have found that in the simple act of living with hope, and in the daily effort to have a positive impact in the world, the days I do have are made all the more meaningful and precious. And for that I am grateful. It isn't possible to put into words the love and gratitude I feel towards everyone who has and continues to support and inspire me every day. To you I simply say: you know.'
Godspeed Elizabeth.
Thank you for sharing your vision of resilience and faith and hope.
It is my grandest wish that the first to greet you in heaven is your son Wade.
Saturday, December 4, 2010
Too Scared to Bolus
Yep, you reads that right.
Too scared to bolus.
Let me explain...
Grace had 'Breakfast with Santa' at her elementary school this morning. This consists of a McDonald's pancake and sausage breakfast and orange juice. Yep, you read that right. And pancakes are her favorite, sausage is her favorite and so is the OJ. She never has eaten a McDonald's breakfast before. I searched for the carbs last night and found all my information I needed. So we calculated the carbs she was about to consume and it totaled...
Grace usually doesn't eat a meal over 45 - 50 grams of carbs, so both our eyes widened when we saw how much.
She took her blood sugar, a respectable 106.
We inputted the 96 grams of carbs into her OmniPod PDM and it spit out...
8.25 units for the bolus.
8.25 !
Grace and I looked at each other with even more widened eyes. She said 'Mom, that's A LOT of insulin!' I scrolled back to 7.0 and said, there that should be enough - what was I thinking??? and sure enough, bolused her 7.0 units and did an extend for 2/3 of it.
I must have been drinking before breakfast, cause it was pure stupidity and pure ignorance on my part.
The girl was about the drink 8 oz of OJ and eat 2 pancakes.
I knew it would rock her blood sugar.
I knew that she would eat the whole thing.
I knew I should trust the PDM.
I work hard for those basal rates, those I:C ratios, those correction factors.
I figured it out...
I was too scared too bolus.
And it resulted in a blood sugar of 328 exactly 2 hours later,
which needed how many units to bring her down?
Let me ask you again - how many units do you think it took to bring her down within range?
Well, that would be the 1.25 units I was too scared to bolus for!!!
Too scared to bolus.
Let me explain...
Grace had 'Breakfast with Santa' at her elementary school this morning. This consists of a McDonald's pancake and sausage breakfast and orange juice. Yep, you read that right. And pancakes are her favorite, sausage is her favorite and so is the OJ. She never has eaten a McDonald's breakfast before. I searched for the carbs last night and found all my information I needed. So we calculated the carbs she was about to consume and it totaled...
Grace usually doesn't eat a meal over 45 - 50 grams of carbs, so both our eyes widened when we saw how much.
She took her blood sugar, a respectable 106.
We inputted the 96 grams of carbs into her OmniPod PDM and it spit out...
8.25 units for the bolus.
8.25 !
Grace and I looked at each other with even more widened eyes. She said 'Mom, that's A LOT of insulin!' I scrolled back to 7.0 and said, there that should be enough - what was I thinking??? and sure enough, bolused her 7.0 units and did an extend for 2/3 of it.
I must have been drinking before breakfast, cause it was pure stupidity and pure ignorance on my part.
The girl was about the drink 8 oz of OJ and eat 2 pancakes.
I knew it would rock her blood sugar.
I knew that she would eat the whole thing.
I knew I should trust the PDM.
I work hard for those basal rates, those I:C ratios, those correction factors.
I figured it out...
I was too scared too bolus.
And it resulted in a blood sugar of 328 exactly 2 hours later,
which needed how many units to bring her down?
Let me ask you again - how many units do you think it took to bring her down within range?
Well, that would be the 1.25 units I was too scared to bolus for!!!
Thursday, December 2, 2010
The meeting was full.
Of People With Diabetes who had lived
31 years
44 years
51 years
with Type 1.
And it was wonderful to sit amongst them, as a mother to a little girl who I hope, beyond all hope, lives to go to a meeting where she proudly declares that she has lived 51+ years with Type 1. It is my grandest hope for Grace. And I caught a glimpse of it last night.
Gary Scheiner runs a Diabetes Tech support groups for Type 1 folks who use the pump, and the folks that care for them, every few months, at his offices at Integrated Diabetes Services. Last night was one of those nights. He invited a local endocrinologist to come and speak about hypoglycemia - prevention, causes, etc. Gary opened the meeting by reading a children's book about having Type 1.
Gary spoke about what's forthcoming in terms of pumps and about the latest research. He also drew a great graph that correlated the amount of risk of complications from diabetes and a person's A1C. Meaning that the higher the A1C, the more a person's risk for developing complications inreases. Once an A1C of anywhere from 5-7% is achieved, the risk of complications is negliable. And when a person decreases their A1C from say a 6.5 to a 6.0, while there is gain there, the increase that a person won't develop complications is minimal. In other words, once you get to 7 and below, there isn't much 'bang for your buck' in terms of decreasing your risk of complications even more. I love that kind of knowledge. So, the tighter control is great, but too tight doesn't often get you any more than you already have.
The best part of the meeting was hearing from the older folks - ok, middle aged folks and some older folks, about their years living with diabetes. Reminiscing about the dark ages and testing their urine, giant needles, visits to the doctor, parents worrying about them, having low blood sugars and getting candy. And I think that Grace's reminiscing will be about her care, her meters and pumps, visits to the doctor, parent worrying about her and having low blood sugars and getting candy. There is a circle that completes us all in this diabetes. We are all but one pinpoint on the circle and it keeps coming round.
There were some at the meeting who were newly diagnosed, newly pumping and were aiming for tighter control because of their need for control, their need to not do what they perceive as damage to their bodies from high blood sugars, and the need to 'gain good control' by getting an obscenely low A1C. I'm talking like 5.7. Yeah. That.
I understand that, I really do. I get the need for control over this disease.
I get lost in that sometimes too.
I understand the not wanting the highs.
I know what they can do.
What I try hard to understand is the 'getting the better grade than anyone else in the class' mentality.
As if, with a low A1C, they can say they 'won.'
I'm not sure I can wrap my head around that.
Uh, I'm not sure that it works that way folks. But I kept it to myself. I was the newbie in the group.
I looked around the room. It looks like that sentiment was shared by the 20+ other Type 1 folks - the lifers - the 30+, 40+, 50+ years with this.
They smiled. They nodded.
They oohed and aahed over the 5.7 A1C.
Then they chuckled. Hard.
They gave knowing glances to one another.
They said that there is no such thing as control sometimes, diabetes does what it wants to do.
They said that they wanted to enjoy life and have the pie.
They said they wanted to live to see their grandchildren.
That they would do what they had to do, but that it wasn't a grade and it wasn't a race.
The slow and steady won, not the fastest to the finish line, in this diabetic marathon.
That they didn't think about their numbers all day, every day, and obsess about them.
They had other plans - lives to live, people to love.
That the numbers just told them what they needed to do.
They made adjustments to have that elusive 'control' but that it didn't consume them.
And I smiled.
And I knew.
I had found my bounty in all of this.
Of People With Diabetes who had lived
31 years
44 years
51 years
with Type 1.
And it was wonderful to sit amongst them, as a mother to a little girl who I hope, beyond all hope, lives to go to a meeting where she proudly declares that she has lived 51+ years with Type 1. It is my grandest hope for Grace. And I caught a glimpse of it last night.
Gary Scheiner runs a Diabetes Tech support groups for Type 1 folks who use the pump, and the folks that care for them, every few months, at his offices at Integrated Diabetes Services. Last night was one of those nights. He invited a local endocrinologist to come and speak about hypoglycemia - prevention, causes, etc. Gary opened the meeting by reading a children's book about having Type 1.
Gary spoke about what's forthcoming in terms of pumps and about the latest research. He also drew a great graph that correlated the amount of risk of complications from diabetes and a person's A1C. Meaning that the higher the A1C, the more a person's risk for developing complications inreases. Once an A1C of anywhere from 5-7% is achieved, the risk of complications is negliable. And when a person decreases their A1C from say a 6.5 to a 6.0, while there is gain there, the increase that a person won't develop complications is minimal. In other words, once you get to 7 and below, there isn't much 'bang for your buck' in terms of decreasing your risk of complications even more. I love that kind of knowledge. So, the tighter control is great, but too tight doesn't often get you any more than you already have.
The best part of the meeting was hearing from the older folks - ok, middle aged folks and some older folks, about their years living with diabetes. Reminiscing about the dark ages and testing their urine, giant needles, visits to the doctor, parents worrying about them, having low blood sugars and getting candy. And I think that Grace's reminiscing will be about her care, her meters and pumps, visits to the doctor, parent worrying about her and having low blood sugars and getting candy. There is a circle that completes us all in this diabetes. We are all but one pinpoint on the circle and it keeps coming round.
There were some at the meeting who were newly diagnosed, newly pumping and were aiming for tighter control because of their need for control, their need to not do what they perceive as damage to their bodies from high blood sugars, and the need to 'gain good control' by getting an obscenely low A1C. I'm talking like 5.7. Yeah. That.
I understand that, I really do. I get the need for control over this disease.
I get lost in that sometimes too.
I understand the not wanting the highs.
I know what they can do.
What I try hard to understand is the 'getting the better grade than anyone else in the class' mentality.
As if, with a low A1C, they can say they 'won.'
I'm not sure I can wrap my head around that.
Uh, I'm not sure that it works that way folks. But I kept it to myself. I was the newbie in the group.
I looked around the room. It looks like that sentiment was shared by the 20+ other Type 1 folks - the lifers - the 30+, 40+, 50+ years with this.
They smiled. They nodded.
They oohed and aahed over the 5.7 A1C.
Then they chuckled. Hard.
They gave knowing glances to one another.
They said that there is no such thing as control sometimes, diabetes does what it wants to do.
They said that they wanted to enjoy life and have the pie.
They said they wanted to live to see their grandchildren.
That they would do what they had to do, but that it wasn't a grade and it wasn't a race.
The slow and steady won, not the fastest to the finish line, in this diabetic marathon.
That they didn't think about their numbers all day, every day, and obsess about them.
They had other plans - lives to live, people to love.
That the numbers just told them what they needed to do.
They made adjustments to have that elusive 'control' but that it didn't consume them.
And I smiled.
And I knew.
I had found my bounty in all of this.
Sunday, November 28, 2010
Special Sib of a D-Kid Day - I got 2!
Hey everyone - it's Special Sib of a D-Kid Day!
My pre-teen gal who is full of life, love and laughter. Seriously, the girl keeps me laughing about it all. And there is quite a lot to laugh about, frankly. She refers to herself as the 'typical' one and while that might not be funny to all of you out there, but when you have one child with autism and one child with Type 1 diabetes, well, it turns out, your sense of what is funny is turned upside down. So, yes, the fact that she refers to herself as the 'typical' one is quite a chuckle.
She is a wonderful child and always has been. The middle of three girls. Lover of Taylor Swift, fashion, make-up, sewing, drawing and blogging. Smiles a lot. Easygoing and cheerful. Helpful with everything related to diabetes. Helpful with everything related to autism. And that's a lot to handle, yet she does with grace and poise and acceptance. Above all, my daughter Lucy has a heart of gold, by living with autism and now with diabetes. She is kind to everyone she meets and I love that about her. She is non-judgmental and has learn to accept everyone for who they are. In these times of Middle School vying for the latest and greatest and the peer pressure, my gal stands out for standing on her own two feet and being herself. She is loved beyond measure.
My oldest daughter. Soon to be 14 and I can hardly believe it! The one who taught me how to be a mother and how to accept. Accept. Accept and accept some more. I remember those years at age 2 and 3 and the diagnosis of autism. Hard beyond all understanding. Hard hearing words from doctors who said she would 'never' do this and 'never' do that. She has proved each of them wrong. Her spirit is whole, her personality is all hers. She is wonderful. Lover of speedstacking, dvds and videos, all things Disney, and anything that makes her laugh. Charming, sweet, kind, nice, gentle, compassionate. Things they told me that kids with autism never were or never would be. She is amazing.
While she doesn't completely understand diabetes, she loves her sisters dearly. She empathizes when she sees Grace need something. She waits patiently when attention is given to her other sister. She is aware and loving. There is nothing more I could ask her to be. She is herself, truly and wholly.
She is a wonderful child and always has been. The middle of three girls. Lover of Taylor Swift, fashion, make-up, sewing, drawing and blogging. Smiles a lot. Easygoing and cheerful. Helpful with everything related to diabetes. Helpful with everything related to autism. And that's a lot to handle, yet she does with grace and poise and acceptance. Above all, my daughter Lucy has a heart of gold, by living with autism and now with diabetes. She is kind to everyone she meets and I love that about her. She is non-judgmental and has learn to accept everyone for who they are. In these times of Middle School vying for the latest and greatest and the peer pressure, my gal stands out for standing on her own two feet and being herself. She is loved beyond measure.
My oldest daughter. Soon to be 14 and I can hardly believe it! The one who taught me how to be a mother and how to accept. Accept. Accept and accept some more. I remember those years at age 2 and 3 and the diagnosis of autism. Hard beyond all understanding. Hard hearing words from doctors who said she would 'never' do this and 'never' do that. She has proved each of them wrong. Her spirit is whole, her personality is all hers. She is wonderful. Lover of speedstacking, dvds and videos, all things Disney, and anything that makes her laugh. Charming, sweet, kind, nice, gentle, compassionate. Things they told me that kids with autism never were or never would be. She is amazing.
While she doesn't completely understand diabetes, she loves her sisters dearly. She empathizes when she sees Grace need something. She waits patiently when attention is given to her other sister. She is aware and loving. There is nothing more I could ask her to be. She is herself, truly and wholly.
There aren't enough words to completely express my pleasure
being Grace, Lucy and Maddie's mother.
Maddie is fantastic.
Lucy is spectacular.
Grace is lucky
I am blessed.
Friday, November 26, 2010
These baby blues will cost me...
Grace having a 'spa day' with her sister this summer.
Yes, that's a chocolate masque on her face.
No, I don't know how many carbs it had.
Grace had her annual ophthalmologist appointment today to check on the status of her eyes. She checks out with 20/20 vision in both eyes and no sign of any retina damage. It was a good day. We are good for a year now. One more thing to add to our 'thankful' list this year.
This is the part that made me happy.
Although on the way to the doctor, the car shuddered and almost stalled. Then the engine light came on. Oh yeah, then I called the mechanic who said not to drive it and to call a tow truck. So I called the tow truck who showed up one hour later.
Did I mention that it was Black Friday and we were in the city and there wasn't a food store in sight or walking distance from the doctor's office? And that they had no vending machines - not one - not a soda machine and not a snack one in the office? And all I had in my purse was one Juicy Juice and one roll of glucose tabs. And by now, after the doctor and the waiting for the tow truck, it had been close to 2+ hours and it was 12:30 pm???
Got towed to the mechanic and jammed money into the vending machine for some food.
G was 68.
Yeah, that part sucked.
Wednesday, November 24, 2010
"He is a wise man who does not grieve for the things which he has not,but rejoices for those which he has."
Thankful for
which saves my little girl's life each and every day.
Thankful for
a great team of doctors and CDEs,
who help keep Grace healthy and on track.
Thankful for
which allows Grace the freedom to feel like an 8 year old girl.
Thankful for
the morning sun and the evening moon,
because each day is not guaranteed to any one of us,
but each day that I see each one of them is indeed
a blessing that was granted.
a blessing that was granted.
Thankful for
my family,
who has, above all else,
and been strengthened by this journey.
Thankful for
the Diabetic Online Community,
who get me through, lift me up and make me feel like I can do this.
Thank you is not enough for all you guys and gals out there.
Happy Thanksgiving everyone!
Monday, November 15, 2010
Doll with the D
In a recent post, Grace lamented over the fact that her beloved American Girl Doll, Jessica, did not have an insulin pump. Jessica was the gift we got Grace when she was diagnosed in January 2009 with diabetes. Jessica greeted her when she returned home after her time in the hospital. She is the spitting image of Grace, through their My American Girl collection, where you choose skin color, eye color and hair color. Darn it if the doll isn't Grace Jr.!
I am proud to say that Jessica now has diabetes. And an insulin pump.
Well, thanks to Pam, who lead me to this website, t&j design, where a woman crafts insulin pumps and cases for American Girl dolls! Her name is Joan Benz and she couldn't have been nicer. She also makes insulin pump cases for the regular size actual-people with D crowd too.
Grace chose the color of her insulin pump case for Jessica. Pink polka dots, cause that's what Jessica likes, don't you know?!
I am proud to say that Jessica now has diabetes. And an insulin pump.
Well, thanks to Pam, who lead me to this website, t&j design, where a woman crafts insulin pumps and cases for American Girl dolls! Her name is Joan Benz and she couldn't have been nicer. She also makes insulin pump cases for the regular size actual-people with D crowd too.
Grace chose the color of her insulin pump case for Jessica. Pink polka dots, cause that's what Jessica likes, don't you know?!
And it came today.
Of course Jessica needed the pump site on her arm, the same as Grace.
And in the case, a miniature insulin pump.
And even Grace was pleased.
Her pump read a steady 108.
Way to go Jessica!
If you have a girl on an insulin pump and they have an American Doll, head on over to Joan's site and get her a pump and a case.
Cause sometimes, you just need your doll to have the same thing you do.
Click HERE to go to tandj design for their doll pumps and cases.
Sunday, November 14, 2010
Thursday, November 11, 2010
I read a blog, which shall remain nameless, that focusing on couponing. Yes, I am one of THOSE women who hate to pay for anything and uses way too many coupons, and gets things for free, and pays like $2.00 for a $100 order at the store and I'm the one that you hate to stand behind in line at the supermarket. I save a lot, and I mean A LOT of money this way and well you should, well, just get over it and get in another line.
Can you tell I am fired up? That's cause I was reading the comments left on a blog posting about how CA was banning the toys that came with meals such as Happy Meals at McDonald's that didn't meet nutritional standards. People were vastly against the 'government intrusion' into our McDonalds-lives. They didn't want the government banning what they choose to put into their children's mouths.
I'l be honest - we eat there about once a month. We eat with knowledge that yes, it's not the perfect place to eat and we try to make good food choices when we go - grilled chicken sandwiches, apple slices, milk. It just is what it is. I'm not saying I'm sorry for it and I don't feel guilty about it. I feed my family well and a little McD's thrown into the bag is fine with me.
I think that the law that bans the toys is a little over-the-top in that it simplifies the problem to 'if we don't give them a toy, surely they won't go to those places and then they will make good food choices.' You know what? I live just outside a huge city. I see what happens in the poorer sections - lots of McD's, BK, and fast food places and not a veggie stand or fresh food market in sight. And if you were to go there, how will you get there on the bus and carry it home, with kids in tow and not a penny to your name. I try and understand. There but for the grace of God go I.
Ok, back to the point. One of the comments, as I scrolled down, said this:
Parents should, key word should, make these decisions for their children, so when their children grow up they have some sort of guidance to good eating. I have a Type 1 Diabetic family member, she is 5 years old. Her parents do not have her on a strict diabetic diet, so she is being pumped with unnecessary insulin. This is a perfect example of parental choices. A 5 year old doesn't know what a diabetic should or shouldn't eat, but her parents (one of which is diabetic) do. They choose not to teach her. Having the right to choose is our American gift, not everyone gets the right to choose. So why abuse it, then blame someone else?
OK- are you as incensed as I am???? I couldn't get to the keyboard fast enough. I typed and typed - Type 1 is an auto-immune disorder, not because my child is lazy, fat, or eats too much McD's food. And that's not Type 2 either for the love of God. And what, pray tell, is the 'strict diabetic diet' my child should be on???? Please, someone email that to me, can you? Thanks.
The part that REALLY set me off is the 'unnecessary insulin.' I think my head almost came off my body! I wrote in my response that insulin saves her life every damn day. Every. Damn. Day. If she doesn't have it, she dies. Slowly, painfully dies. How is insulin unnecessary???? Where did she get this information? I fear she is also telling this '5 year old family member' this information or the parent who is also diabetic (and my guess that's the old T2, not a T1).
So I commented. And it got posted.
And I changed the title of this post (it was 'She can shove it') after I sat on it for a day. It's a little kinder. The little editor man in my head must not have been working last night when I typed the original title.
But don't think for a minute that I didn't think about saying it to her, cause, really, I did.
Can you tell I am fired up? That's cause I was reading the comments left on a blog posting about how CA was banning the toys that came with meals such as Happy Meals at McDonald's that didn't meet nutritional standards. People were vastly against the 'government intrusion' into our McDonalds-lives. They didn't want the government banning what they choose to put into their children's mouths.
I'l be honest - we eat there about once a month. We eat with knowledge that yes, it's not the perfect place to eat and we try to make good food choices when we go - grilled chicken sandwiches, apple slices, milk. It just is what it is. I'm not saying I'm sorry for it and I don't feel guilty about it. I feed my family well and a little McD's thrown into the bag is fine with me.
I think that the law that bans the toys is a little over-the-top in that it simplifies the problem to 'if we don't give them a toy, surely they won't go to those places and then they will make good food choices.' You know what? I live just outside a huge city. I see what happens in the poorer sections - lots of McD's, BK, and fast food places and not a veggie stand or fresh food market in sight. And if you were to go there, how will you get there on the bus and carry it home, with kids in tow and not a penny to your name. I try and understand. There but for the grace of God go I.
Ok, back to the point. One of the comments, as I scrolled down, said this:
Parents should, key word should, make these decisions for their children, so when their children grow up they have some sort of guidance to good eating. I have a Type 1 Diabetic family member, she is 5 years old. Her parents do not have her on a strict diabetic diet, so she is being pumped with unnecessary insulin. This is a perfect example of parental choices. A 5 year old doesn't know what a diabetic should or shouldn't eat, but her parents (one of which is diabetic) do. They choose not to teach her. Having the right to choose is our American gift, not everyone gets the right to choose. So why abuse it, then blame someone else?
OK- are you as incensed as I am???? I couldn't get to the keyboard fast enough. I typed and typed - Type 1 is an auto-immune disorder, not because my child is lazy, fat, or eats too much McD's food. And that's not Type 2 either for the love of God. And what, pray tell, is the 'strict diabetic diet' my child should be on???? Please, someone email that to me, can you? Thanks.
The part that REALLY set me off is the 'unnecessary insulin.' I think my head almost came off my body! I wrote in my response that insulin saves her life every damn day. Every. Damn. Day. If she doesn't have it, she dies. Slowly, painfully dies. How is insulin unnecessary???? Where did she get this information? I fear she is also telling this '5 year old family member' this information or the parent who is also diabetic (and my guess that's the old T2, not a T1).
So I commented. And it got posted.
And I changed the title of this post (it was 'She can shove it') after I sat on it for a day. It's a little kinder. The little editor man in my head must not have been working last night when I typed the original title.
But don't think for a minute that I didn't think about saying it to her, cause, really, I did.
Tuesday, November 9, 2010
D-Blog Day - 6 from the G

It's DBlog Day! Thanks to Gina Capone.
I thought I would ask the source herself all about her diabetes, so, as they say, from Grace's mouth, here are her thoughts in summation.
I thought I would ask the source herself all about her diabetes, so, as they say, from Grace's mouth, here are her thoughts in summation.
6 things you should know about Type 1 diabetes, from Grace herself...
1. You can have great friends when you have diabetes
There's L from camp, and my penpal G and my friend Kelly. I love them. They all have diabetes. That makes us all the same in one way. They are girls and I love that too.
2. I love cookies and I have diabetes
And my Mom says that it's ok. I like cookies. I like chocolate chip cookies. Oh and KitKat bars too. I ate them at Halloween and I loved each one of them. And I have diabetes. Ha ha.
3. Sometimes I don't really like to drink juice, but I have to
Juicy Juice is what mom gives me when I am low sometimes. You would think I would like to drink it every time, but lately I don't. I get sick of it. It does make me feel better, but I am so tired of the little boxes.
4. It's an insulin pump. Not a radio or an iPod
Every one of my friends knows what it is, but people out in a store or a restaurant cannot figure it out. So sometimes I tell them it's my iPod. It makes me laugh when they look shocked. But it's REALLY funny to me and then they stop staring at me. I know it looks like an egg, but it's just my pump.
5. Counting carbs makes me good at math
I am really good at math. I can add, subtract, borrow and carry. I am learning how to do multiplication. Mom says I know how to add from all the carb counting and adding that I do. I can even add in my head! Like large numbers and things. So, yeah, diabetes has made me smarter in math.
6. I love American Girl, but I wish she had a pump!
All my friends have American Girl dolls and I have one too. Her name is Jessica and she looks exactly like me. She was my present when I came home from the hospital after I got diabetes. Now I wish they made a pump for her, cause she could be just like me then. They don't make one, but when I go to the NYC American Girl store, I am telling someone to make one.
7. People with diabetes have really cool events.
I have gone to Diabetic Candy Exchanges, Jamborees, camp and the JDRF Walk. And I have had fun at each one of them. We didn't go to events like this before I had diabetes, so now that I have it, at least they have some good things to go to.
8. My sisters don't have diabetes and it's all OK
One of my sisters has autism. One doesn't. They both don't have diabetes. But we are all different. Just like I have blue eyes and one of my sisters doesn't. I still belong in this family, it's just we are all different. It's OK as my Mom always says.
9. Diabetes means that I'm awake at night
My Mom checks on me at 2 am every night. Sometimes I try and help her out by lifting my finger out from the covers. I know she is coming. Sometimes I don't even wake up. Sometimes I don't want her to prick my finger, but she does anyway. Always. At 2 am, did I say that? I guess that's OK.
10. I'm just Grace with D
Before I was Grace without D, which totally cracks me up. Now I am Grace with D. Hey, if you put the D at the end of Grace you end up with the word 'GraceD'
10. I'm just Grace with D
Before I was Grace without D, which totally cracks me up. Now I am Grace with D. Hey, if you put the D at the end of Grace you end up with the word 'GraceD'
Thursday, November 4, 2010
Opera Company of Philadelphia "Hallelujah!" Random Act of Culture
I know - it's not diabetes related, but I had to share!
This is why I love my city.
And now, for your viewing pleasure... Macy's in Philadelphia, which hosts the biggest organ ever and is such an historic building, experienced a Random Act of Culture. Macy's used to be Wanamaker's and I dutifully got my school shoes there every year of my life, as well as ate in their fancy dining room with my Mom. It brings back memories every time I step through the doors of the store. There is a giant eagle in the middle of the store and everyone in Philly, if you say 'meet me at the eagle' knows just what you mean.
I thought you all might enjoy it.
This is why I love my city.
And now, for your viewing pleasure... Macy's in Philadelphia, which hosts the biggest organ ever and is such an historic building, experienced a Random Act of Culture. Macy's used to be Wanamaker's and I dutifully got my school shoes there every year of my life, as well as ate in their fancy dining room with my Mom. It brings back memories every time I step through the doors of the store. There is a giant eagle in the middle of the store and everyone in Philly, if you say 'meet me at the eagle' knows just what you mean.
I thought you all might enjoy it.
Tuesday, November 2, 2010
Diabetic Candy Exchange!!!
Yep, you read that right, our hospital, the one where Grace was diagnosed on January 9, 2009, hosts a 'Diabetic Candy Exchange' for all the Type 1 kiddos there. The pediatric nurses organize it, raise funds, provide entertainment, feed us dinner, solicit donations and run the whole thing.
Can I tell you that I hold them near and dear to my heart? Cause I do.
The day after Halloween, the kids are invited from 5-7 pm to come to the hospital, turn over any candy they do not want - any or all of it - you decide how much, and in return, they get a gift bag designed just for them - as in, you call and RSVP and tell them you have an 8 year old girl and what her name is, and they design a gift bag around her - can I tell you I really love them? Cause I do. Then, they get to choose gift cards or toys from a table too. Grace scored a giftcard to a local store last year and beamed the rest of the party. She gets to do crafts and party. She wasn't sad in the least that she gave away some her candy. Who would be, right?!
Last night was the candy exchange.
Here's the invite....
Here's where we dump the candy we do not want. That's a motherload of candy!!!
I did, however, want to rummage through the entire trashcan and pick out the winners for bringing up a low - the Smarties, Skittles, etc. Who would give those away? Am I crazy for wanting to do it? You should know that the little editor-man in my head told me it was a public event and there were people watching.
I didn't jump in and save the low-BGL-bringer-uppers.
I'm still sad about it.



She scored a $15 Target giftcard from the gift table and a giant goodie bag filled with girl delights. There were raffles too!
Oh and the characters from Star Wars showed up. Don't ask me why and don't ask me their names. They made me feel a little creepy if you ask me. Kids did love them though.
A master pumpkin carver!
Pizza - of course! (Don't get me started why every event we attend related to diabetes must be celebrated with pizza.) I felt like screaming "It's 35g a slice and up that temp basal to +50% for about 2-3 hours!!!!" We did and we rocked a 106 BGL 2 hours later
Can I tell you that I hold them near and dear to my heart? Cause I do.
The day after Halloween, the kids are invited from 5-7 pm to come to the hospital, turn over any candy they do not want - any or all of it - you decide how much, and in return, they get a gift bag designed just for them - as in, you call and RSVP and tell them you have an 8 year old girl and what her name is, and they design a gift bag around her - can I tell you I really love them? Cause I do. Then, they get to choose gift cards or toys from a table too. Grace scored a giftcard to a local store last year and beamed the rest of the party. She gets to do crafts and party. She wasn't sad in the least that she gave away some her candy. Who would be, right?!
Last night was the candy exchange.
Here's the invite....
Here's where we dump the candy we do not want. That's a motherload of candy!!!
I did, however, want to rummage through the entire trashcan and pick out the winners for bringing up a low - the Smarties, Skittles, etc. Who would give those away? Am I crazy for wanting to do it? You should know that the little editor-man in my head told me it was a public event and there were people watching.
I didn't jump in and save the low-BGL-bringer-uppers.
I'm still sad about it.
Oh and she got her face painted! They all did!
She scored a $15 Target giftcard from the gift table and a giant goodie bag filled with girl delights. There were raffles too!
Oh and the characters from Star Wars showed up. Don't ask me why and don't ask me their names. They made me feel a little creepy if you ask me. Kids did love them though.
A master pumpkin carver!
Pizza - of course! (Don't get me started why every event we attend related to diabetes must be celebrated with pizza.) I felt like screaming "It's 35g a slice and up that temp basal to +50% for about 2-3 hours!!!!" We did and we rocked a 106 BGL 2 hours later
And of course, the nurses. Always the nurses. This special nurse was there when we were diagnosed, throughout our stay. She said beautiful words to us, assured us that it would be OK and that all would be fine. She holds a special place in our hearts and dutifully looks for Grace each year at the Exchange. I had to get a photo of them together. Her eyes teared up as she saw Grace. Grace lifted her shirt a tiny bit and said/yelled 'BAM!' and showed off her OmniPod pump on her belly.
Yes, we have come a long way.
Wednesday, October 27, 2010
Naked Pancreas
Reyna over at Beta Buddies had a great post that revealed - oh my! - her son Joe's rates and settings and such. Such daring Reyna!!! I LOVE IT, so how could I not join in? I have enjoyed reading all of your posts out there about your kiddos settings and the like. So, without further ado, here is Grace's Naked Pancreas...
***Disclaimer: I'm not a doctor. I don't play one on TV. I don't even play one at home. I'm a mom trying to be a pancreas. Your child is different than mine. This is not medical advice folks.
1. What kind of insulin management mode do you use?
Grace uses the OmniPod insulin pump. 24/7/365.
2. How often do you inject/change pump sites?
Every 3 days, like clockwork. With Unisolve.
3. What type of insulin do you use?
4. What are your basal settings?
Ok folks, I like basal rates and I use a lot of them. I tweak. And then I tweak some more. Then I get a good run of great, fabulous basal rates and I hold steady for a good long time. Then comes time for tweaking some more. I have both weekday and weekend rates and I switch them on Friday and Sunday nights. Then she can sleep in for an hour or so more on Saturdays and Sundays. Yes, I am that tight on her basal rates.
I should let you all know, Grace uses A LOT of insulin. So, don't be freaked by her basal rates. The girl uses a lot, as in an average of 26 to 28 units a day. I guess this means she has the 'betes real bad, huh? I thought you would get a kick out of that statement :0)
Weekday basal rates:
12a - 1a .50
1a - 3a .55
3a - 7a .45
7a - 2p .50
2p-9p .45
9p - 12a .50
Weekend basal rates:
12a - 1a .50
1a - 3a .55
3a - 8a .40
8a - 2p .50
2p - 9p .45
9p - 12a .50
5. What are your correction factors?
12a - 8a 1:90
8a - 8p 1:70
8p - 12a 1:90
6. What are your meal ratios?
These I correct after I get a wonderful basal rate that's proven through basal testing. So, my rule is that the basal rate should pass the 'Yom Kippur' test - in other words, can you not eat and maintain a stable blood sugar? If Grace's basal rates pass that test, then I tweak the carb ratios when I get crazy numbers and I already know her basal rates are good.
12a - 6:30a 1:25
6:30a - 11a 1:14
11a - 12a 1:21
7. What do you do for activity or PE?
Swimming I do a -30% temp basal rate for the duration of swimming, then also cut -30% for 4-6 hours after swimming, as she tends to tank after she is done.
PE class - I cut her basal by -40 % for one hour
8. How do you manage pizza, macaroni and cheese, or any other 'difficult to manage' foods?
OK gals, I learned from trial and error and also from the uber-fabulous Gary Scheiner, who is our CDE. The man ROCKS on things like this - he knows when to temp basal and when to extend a bolus. He knows for how long. He knows why. He tells me why and how and how to fix it. And frankly, when I follow what he does with Grace, she has stellar numbers. The man is good. And here is what I do...
Pizza - Bolus about 35 a slice (depends on size) and then +50% temp basal for 3-4 hours
McD's (Yes, we go. She gets a Happy Meal cheeseburger and fries and milk. Yes, I know. Get over it.)
Bolus 70 for the meal and then +50% temp basal for 4 hours
Popcorn - Bolus for 15g of carbs for 3 cups, then +40% for 3 hours
Mac and cheese - Alas, the girl does not eat it
Pasta - Bolus for amount of carbs, them I give 30% of that bolus now and extend 70% over 2 hours
Over 70g of carbs at once - I give 50% bolus amount now, then I extend 50% over 4 hours
Slow digestable foods (low GI foods like berries, peanuts, beans) - 30% now and then 70% extend 2-3 hours
Ok, does that exhaust you or what? And yes, I have a cheat 'index card' in her OmniPod case that details all this so I can easily look it up. There are more foods that I do a temp basal or extended bolus amount for, but I thought that was enough to put in the blog post. Can you tell I like temp basal and extended boluses? They allow her to eat anything and I truly mean it, everything.
9. How do you prefer to manage your logs/data?
Oh I wish Insulet would get their act together and make their PDM software compatible with Mac!!! We are a Mac family, we own no PC. The PDM is downloadable to a PC. It produces wonderful data spreadsheets. Gary does the downloading for me and prints them for me. I see him every 3 months. So, instead of downloading, I use log books. Little ole spiral notebooks that fit into my purse and I dutifully record everything we do regarding the D. Then I circle the highs and the lows that fall out of range. And I go back at the end of each week and re-examine what is happening.
I then write down plain English sentences to myself in another 3 ring notebook that keeps all of her current rates in it. I write 'high at 10:30 am in school 3 times this week' or 'low before bedtime once this week' and I go back and try to find the answers. Then I might make changes. Or do a basal test. Or tweak a carb ratio. Is it time-consuming? Yeah, I guess it is. Does it show that I am a data-hound? Sure does. I like data, I like what it tells me, I like that it tells me where to go and what to do. So, time-consuming, but worth every minute in the end.
And that's Grace's Naked Pancreas!
***Disclaimer: I'm not a doctor. I don't play one on TV. I don't even play one at home. I'm a mom trying to be a pancreas. Your child is different than mine. This is not medical advice folks.
1. What kind of insulin management mode do you use?
Grace uses the OmniPod insulin pump. 24/7/365.
2. How often do you inject/change pump sites?
Every 3 days, like clockwork. With Unisolve.
3. What type of insulin do you use?
4. What are your basal settings?
Ok folks, I like basal rates and I use a lot of them. I tweak. And then I tweak some more. Then I get a good run of great, fabulous basal rates and I hold steady for a good long time. Then comes time for tweaking some more. I have both weekday and weekend rates and I switch them on Friday and Sunday nights. Then she can sleep in for an hour or so more on Saturdays and Sundays. Yes, I am that tight on her basal rates.
I should let you all know, Grace uses A LOT of insulin. So, don't be freaked by her basal rates. The girl uses a lot, as in an average of 26 to 28 units a day. I guess this means she has the 'betes real bad, huh? I thought you would get a kick out of that statement :0)
Weekday basal rates:
12a - 1a .50
1a - 3a .55
3a - 7a .45
7a - 2p .50
2p-9p .45
9p - 12a .50
Weekend basal rates:
12a - 1a .50
1a - 3a .55
3a - 8a .40
8a - 2p .50
2p - 9p .45
9p - 12a .50
5. What are your correction factors?
12a - 8a 1:90
8a - 8p 1:70
8p - 12a 1:90
6. What are your meal ratios?
These I correct after I get a wonderful basal rate that's proven through basal testing. So, my rule is that the basal rate should pass the 'Yom Kippur' test - in other words, can you not eat and maintain a stable blood sugar? If Grace's basal rates pass that test, then I tweak the carb ratios when I get crazy numbers and I already know her basal rates are good.
12a - 6:30a 1:25
6:30a - 11a 1:14
11a - 12a 1:21
7. What do you do for activity or PE?
Swimming I do a -30% temp basal rate for the duration of swimming, then also cut -30% for 4-6 hours after swimming, as she tends to tank after she is done.
PE class - I cut her basal by -40 % for one hour
8. How do you manage pizza, macaroni and cheese, or any other 'difficult to manage' foods?
OK gals, I learned from trial and error and also from the uber-fabulous Gary Scheiner, who is our CDE. The man ROCKS on things like this - he knows when to temp basal and when to extend a bolus. He knows for how long. He knows why. He tells me why and how and how to fix it. And frankly, when I follow what he does with Grace, she has stellar numbers. The man is good. And here is what I do...
Pizza - Bolus about 35 a slice (depends on size) and then +50% temp basal for 3-4 hours
McD's (Yes, we go. She gets a Happy Meal cheeseburger and fries and milk. Yes, I know. Get over it.)
Bolus 70 for the meal and then +50% temp basal for 4 hours
Popcorn - Bolus for 15g of carbs for 3 cups, then +40% for 3 hours
Mac and cheese - Alas, the girl does not eat it
Pasta - Bolus for amount of carbs, them I give 30% of that bolus now and extend 70% over 2 hours
Over 70g of carbs at once - I give 50% bolus amount now, then I extend 50% over 4 hours
Slow digestable foods (low GI foods like berries, peanuts, beans) - 30% now and then 70% extend 2-3 hours
Ok, does that exhaust you or what? And yes, I have a cheat 'index card' in her OmniPod case that details all this so I can easily look it up. There are more foods that I do a temp basal or extended bolus amount for, but I thought that was enough to put in the blog post. Can you tell I like temp basal and extended boluses? They allow her to eat anything and I truly mean it, everything.
9. How do you prefer to manage your logs/data?
Oh I wish Insulet would get their act together and make their PDM software compatible with Mac!!! We are a Mac family, we own no PC. The PDM is downloadable to a PC. It produces wonderful data spreadsheets. Gary does the downloading for me and prints them for me. I see him every 3 months. So, instead of downloading, I use log books. Little ole spiral notebooks that fit into my purse and I dutifully record everything we do regarding the D. Then I circle the highs and the lows that fall out of range. And I go back at the end of each week and re-examine what is happening.
I then write down plain English sentences to myself in another 3 ring notebook that keeps all of her current rates in it. I write 'high at 10:30 am in school 3 times this week' or 'low before bedtime once this week' and I go back and try to find the answers. Then I might make changes. Or do a basal test. Or tweak a carb ratio. Is it time-consuming? Yeah, I guess it is. Does it show that I am a data-hound? Sure does. I like data, I like what it tells me, I like that it tells me where to go and what to do. So, time-consuming, but worth every minute in the end.
And that's Grace's Naked Pancreas!
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